Aug 4, 2010

Aug 2, 2010

Fix You.

"You can't just plan a moment when things get back on track, just as you can't plan the moment you lose your way in the first place." 
- Sarah Dessen (Someone Like You)

Dare you to move

"You will never meet anyone who has done something great who waited for permission to do something great."
- I Wrote This For You

begin, again.

“And that was it. All this buildup to a great leap, and I didn’t fall or fly. Instead I found myself back on the edge of the cliff, blinking, wondering if I’d ever jumped at all.”
-Sarah Dessen (The Truth About Forever)

there were no such things as absolutes

“It’s the expectation that things will stay the way they are forever that gets us. If you saw each event in your life as impermanent you might not be so devastated when they finally came to an end. You would appreciate that a good thing happened for as long as it did, and move on with the hope that there will be many more to come.”

“Now it’s gonna get harder, And it’s gonna burn brighter”

via Flickr


-via Vild

“If you feel like you’re under control, you’re just not going fast enough.”
– Mario Andretti


“They were involved in that awkward procedure of getting to unknow eachother.”

-John Irving in The World According to Garp,
via goodmorningandgoodnight.

Like Father Like Daughter

-via Vild

This is for two wonderful fathers that I knew. They raised absolutely wonderful daughters, and they will be missed.

Lucky men throughout history

While the rest of the world went on unaware

“It seemed like this day could go in so many directions, like a spiderweb shooting out toward endless possibilities. Whenever you made a choice, especially one you’d been resisting, it always affected everything else, some in big ways, like a tremor beneath your feet, others in so tiny a shift you hardly noticed a change at all. But it was happening.”
-This Lullabye

Be Calm

Suddenly I’m lost
On my street
On my block.
- Fun

Air Pressure


“There might be more fish in the sea, there might be more stars in the sky, but I feel like I’m alone in a boat…blind and without a fishing pole.”

In Pieces

"Arrange whatever pieces come your way."
-Virginia Woolf